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Request LCA from supplier

Improve your inputs with suppliers' data

Updated over a year ago

To solve sustainability challenges, we really need to get the whole supply chain involved. Requesting LCAs from your suppliers with Earthster lets you improve your LCA models in the most seamless way possible.

Once you have selected a process from the database to represent your supplier's product you can ask them to either improve that model with their own data or provide you their own model.

Note: Earthster only handles the data flow. We recommend you to take an active role for getting the data you need.

Request LCA from a supplier (from your list)

Ask your supplier to give you process specific data, in other words to improve the process you are using to represent their product or service with.

  1. Open the drawer of the selected process by clicking on its name or the edit icon

  2. Click the button Request LCA from supplier

  3. Select the supplier by typing their organization's name in the search bar

    • If you are inviting a new supplier, continue with the instructions below

  4. Optional: Include a personalised message for your supplier to clarify which product you are requesting the LCA for

  5. Click the button Send request

    • Your supplier will get a customer request notification

Request LCA from a new supplier

If you are inviting a new supplier switch to the "Request LCA from a new supplier" form.

  1. Follow the steps 1-2 from above.

  2. Leave the form empty and hover your mouse on the Send request button

  3. Click the link in the notification " click here to invite a new supplier through email"

  4. Enter the email address of your supplier

  5. Optional: Include a personalised message for your supplier to clarify which product you are requesting the LCA for

  6. Click the button Send invitation

New suppliers are granted the Supplier plan, which allows them to answer your LCA request for free without time limitations.

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