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Use parameters for adding variables and calculations into your LCA models

Updated over a week ago

Parameters enable you to add variables and calculations into your LCA models. When used smartly, parameters can make your modelling process much faster and reduce the need for having multiple versions of the same product.

Adding parameters to your processes are particularly useful when you want to compare different scenarios and see what happens to the environmental impact if any of your variables changes.

Use case examples for parameters:

  • Comparing scenarios

  • Sensitivity analysis

  • Ecodesign

  • LCAs at scale

  • Calculating formulas

Using parameters

The first step in adding parameters to your cycles is to think which inputs of your model deserve to be treated as variables. Add parameters only for the inputs that can have variations. Good examples for parameters are transportation distance, weight of the product and different material types.

Type of parameters

There are 2 types of parameters you can use in your models, numeric and option.

  • Numeric variable

    • Used for representing input values with a specific unit

    • Examples: weight, distance, energy use

  • Option variable

    • Used for representing available alternatives and types.

      • In calculations the options have a value of 1 when active and 0 for non-active alternatives.

      • Only one alternative per option parameter can be active at a time.

    • Examples: types of materials, end-of-life alternatives, optional product add-ons

Adding a parameter

You can add parameters to your cycle at any time of your modelling process.

1. Open the Parameters section from your cycle's left side floating menu.

2. Click "New parameter"

3. Fill out the information needed for creating the new parameter. Items marked with * are mandatory. The form changes based on the selected type.

  • Name: Name your parameter in a describing way

    • Example: Weight of the fruits

  • Identifier*: The name of the variable that you will use in the formula editor for creating calculations

    • Use only lower case letters and no special characters

    • Example: fruit_weight

  • Type*: Select the type of the parameter: numeric or options

    • The form changes based on the selected type.

Modal for creating a new numeric parameter

When Numeric type is selected:

  • Unit*: Type the unit you will use in your calculations

    • Example: kg

  • Mid Value*: This is the value the cycle uses as the primary value for calculating and showing the impacts

  • Min Value: The minimum value the parameter can have

  • Max Value: The maximum value the parameter can have

Modal for creating a new options parameter

When Options type is selected:

  • Available options*: Add alternatives by pressing space or enter.

    • Use only lower case letters and no special characters.

    • The added option alternatives work as option identifiers in the formula editor.

    • Examples:

      • apricot, peach

      • glass, plastic, aluminium

  • Current option*: The selected alternative has the multiplier value of 1 and all other alternatives are considered as 0.

4. Click the button "Save parameter".

5. The saved parameters are visible in the Parameters section.

The list of saved parameters.

Editing and deleting parameters

Once you have created a parameter you are able to edit it any time.

Edit a parameter

1. Click the pencil icon on the row of the parameter that you wish to edit.

2. Once edited click the "Save parameter" button.

Delete a parameter

1. Click the pencil icon on the row of the parameter that you wish to delete.

2. Click the "Delete parameter" button.

Related topics

Using parameters in calculations - Formula editor

You can build complex formulas and build smart dependencies with your parameters. It is very easy to use once you learn the correct syntax of the formula editor.

Adding a calculation to an input

You can add a calculation that uses your parameters to any of your existing process, exchange and even custom process.

1. Open the input's menu and click the "root" icon to open the formula editor

Alternative way:

  • Type "=" sign into the value box to open the formula editor.

  • NOTE: This will delete any existing values.

Read more here about the syntax of the formula editor.

Comparing scenarios

Parameters enable you to compare different scenarios of your cycle and you can compare them even with any of your cycles or database processes.

  1. Click the "Scenarios" button on the top right corner

  2. Set the values of your parameters you want to explore and click "Add scenario to compare".

  3. Optional step: Rename your scenario or leave it the system default

  4. Click "Save name"

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 as to add more scenarios to the comparison.

  6. Once you have added all the scenarios you want to compare click the button "Compare scenarios"

  7. Now you have a comparison with all your saved scenarios.

    • Saved scenario comparisons can be found in the Comparison tab of your workspace.

  8. Edit your comparison settings if needed.

Viewing scenarios in the cycle view

When you want to view the effect of your parameters you can either edit the values of your existing parameters or create a new scenario without saving it.

  1. Click the "Scenarios" button on the top right corner

  2. Set the values of your parameters you want to explore

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