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Doing LCAs and comparisons
Detailed instructions for using Earthster
24 articles
Benefits of having a full Ecoinvent licenseHaving a full Ecoinvent license gives extra features for the license holder.
Using other Organization's cycles as a template or a starting pointSave other users' cycles as your own cycle to use them as templates
What does μ, n and m mean in front of the impact category unit?We utilise standard metric unit prefixes for showing numeric values.
The drawer - where you model your cycleThe drawer shows all the inputs of your cycle as a sortable list.
Dynamic bundles ("All Others")Control the sensitivity of your dynamic bundles with the threshold slider
Creating a new cycle using a templateThis article describes how to create a cycle using a template.
Issuing a releaseA release in Earthster is a snapshot of your cycle and they help you keep track of the evolution of your cycle throughout time.
Sharing cyclesShare your LCAs in a visual and interactive way
Export your cycles to download your LCA dataDownload your LCA results as a PDF, CSV or JSON file
Exporting your results with other impact categoriesDownload your cycle with IPCC 2021, EF3.1, TRACI, CED and other impact categories
Export your cycles with EF compliant datasets (PEF)*With a full Ecoinvent license you can download the PEF datasets of your LCA model.
Moving cycles and comparisonsYou can move cycles and comparisons to other workspaces and organizations.
Replicate and update cycles in bulkReplicate your cycles to do LCAs at scale
ParametersUse parameters for adding variables and calculations into your LCA models
Copy-paste parts of your cycleCopy and paste parts of your cycle within Earthster and into a spreadsheet
Advanced actions with processesThis article describes the ways you can edit your processes.
Custom processCreate a custom process to apply a scaling factor to a group of inputs
Updating your data sourcesKeeping your processes and connected cycles up-to-date.
Import as a custom processEdit processes by importing them as a custom process
Genre labels for processesUnderstand Earthster's genre labels for datasets
Automatic updates for data sourcesUpdate your cycles' input automatically