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Custom process

Create a custom process to apply a scaling factor to a group of inputs

Updated over a year ago

Custom processes give you a flexible way to model sub-components and even complex models that need various inputs for a single output of your choice. The input value of the custom process works as the scaling factor for the group of inputs.

A custom process is like a baking recipe: in the recipe you specify how to bake a cake (the inputs of your custom process) and you decide how many cakes you will bake (the scaling factor).

Custom processes are useful for modelling for example components that are present multiple times in your model, processing dependencies, simple conversions or even allocation percentages.

If you don't need a scaling factor for your group of inputs use bundles instead.

Add a custom process

You can add custom processes in the drawer of any of your stages. Click the drob-down menu next to the "Add new" button and select "Add custom process"

Add a custom process

Step 1: In the top section of the custom process:

  • Rename your custom process

    • Click on the title or on the pencil icon next to the title.

  • Add the value of your scaling factor

    • For example: The amount of components you have in your LCA model.

Step 2: In the Info tab

  • Add the unit name for your custom process in the All info per 1 box

    • You can write any unit type, it does not have to be a physical unit (e.g. component, unit, kg...).

  • Add a description for your custom process

  • Change the Geography if needed.

Setting up your custom process

Step 3: In the Processes tab and Exchanges with nature tab

  • Add the needed processes and exchanges

    • You can add bundles and even other custom processes to better represent your model

  • Adjust the values of the inputs to reflect on your chosen unit

    • In this example the values needed to be added per component

TIP 1: Use custom processes for doing easy conversions, quick what if scenarios and even as placeholders for template style modelling.

Export a custom process

You can export any of your custom processes as a cycle to be able to utilise it in other cycles.

In the bottom of the Info tab open the drop-down menu and click "Export as a cycle".

Exporting a custom process as a cycle
  • The exported custom process is converted into a connected cycle and saved in the same workspace as the original cycle.

  • Once you have exported your cycle, we recommend you to check the new cycle's settings, especially the scale section of it.

TIP 2: Use custom processes for doing allocations easier.

  • Duplicate the custom process, adjust the value of the custom process and if needed move it to another location inside your model.

Other actions with custom processes

Custom processes behave just like any other process or cycle added from the database.

Hovering on the menu icon of the custom process gives you the option to:

  • Delete

  • Duplicate

  • Add a calculation (with parameters)

  • Move

  • Edit

Hovering on the row of the custom process reveals the selection box for the bulk action options:

  • Move all

  • Duplicate all

  • Delete all

Bulk actions with processes
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