USEEIO database overview
The United States Environmentally-Extended Input Output database (USEEIO) is a comprehensive collection of processes that detail the environmental impacts of generic commodities in the United States.
It is based on Input-Output economic tables, which, as the name suggests compiles information about the input and output flows in dollars among industries (or commodities). By knowing the exchanges with nature from each commodity, total environmental impacts can be calculated for each commodity taking into account the interdependencies between commodities.
Read more information about USEEIO here.
USEEIO in Earthster
The original USEEIO models only take into account the production stage of processes. In Earthster we have enhanced USEEIO and therefore each model also contains distribution and use phase data, calculated using USEEIO's margins data and Earthster's Use phase data. We also have extended the number of models to 471 (from the original 422).
USEEIO version 2.1
Available scale units for the datasets:
USD2012 (seller)
USD2012 (buyer)
USD (seller) -> This year's USD value
USD (buyer)s -> This year's USD value
Conversion rate from USD2012 to USD: 1.302