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LCA methodology & data
LCA methodology, available impact methods and databases
22 articles
Life Cycle Assessment in EarthsterLCA methodology, available impact methods and databases
Data in EarthsterThis article explains where Earthster gets its data from.
Functional unit in Earthster
Allocation in EarthsterThis article describes how to do allocations based on the ISO 14044 allocation hierarchy.
Recycling allocation: The cut-off approachUse the cut-off allocation approach for modelling recycling with Ecoinvent datasets
Land use and land transformation modelingAccurate Land Impact Assessment Using Earthster
In Earthster you have always the latest available versions of the databases
Ecoinvent - current version: 3.11The world’s most transparent life cycle inventory database3 articles
USEEIO - current version: 2.1Input-output database created based on the industry of the United Sates1 article
Dutch CO2 emission factors - current version 2024List of CO2 emission factors provided by 1 article
NETL - current version 2.1Database published by the National Energy Technology Laboratory1 article
USLCIThe USLCI database provides U.S. specific datasets 1 article
EF3.1 impact categoriesList of the impact categories available in Earthster required for PEF and OEF assessments
IPCC 2021 impact categoriesIPCC 2021 is available with a full a Ecoinvent license
EN15804 impact categoriesThe EN15804+A2 impact method is used when developing Type III environmental declaration (EPD) of construction products.
ReCiPe 2016 impact categoriesEarthster's default impact categories are part of ReCiPe 2016
TRACI 2.1 impact categoriesTRACI 2.1 is available with a full a Ecoinvent license
Environmental Costs Indicator (ECI)Impact method developed for the construction sector operating in The Netherlands
Cumulative Energy Demand - CEDCurrent version: 2021 version 2.1
Viewing Other impact categoriesWith a full Ecoinvent license you can view more impact categories including ReCiPe 2016 mid and end points, EF3.1, TRACI 2.1.
Difference between ReCiPe 2016 - "Water use" and "Water use, moderate assumptions" impact categoriesReCiPe 2016: "Water use" vs. "Water use, moderate assumptions"