The Environmental Costs indicator (ECI) (in Dutch: Milieukostenindicator - MKI) is an impact assessment tool used by construction sector companies operating in The Netherlands that combines the environmental impacts of a product into a single monetary unit measured in euros.
The ECI is calculated by first performing weighting of different impact category exchange impacts and then summing all impact categories' exchange impacts into a single score.
Until now, the ECI used ReCiPe2008 impact categories, however, by July 2025 companies operating in The Netherlands are expected to calculate a new ECI score that is based on amendments to the EN15804 (annex A2:2019), which is itself based on the EF3.1 method.
Requires a full Ecoinvent license to view results and generate reports with ECI.
ECI in Earthster
In Earthster you have access to the latest version of the ECI impact method following the EN15804+A2 standard, what we refer to as version 2025.
The method includes the total and partial ECI scores as separate categories.
ECI partial weights for each impact category - version 2025
The weighting factors were extracted from the 2020 report from Delft University containing the updated characterization factors to be used in the new ECI.
Impact category | Unit | Weight score (β¬/unit) |
Climate change | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 |
Climate change (fossil) | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 |
Climate change (biogenic) | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 |
Climate change (land use and land use change) | kg CO2 eq | 0.116 |
Ozone depletion | kg CFC-11 eq | 32 |
Acidification | mol H* eq | 0.39 |
Eutrophication aquatic freshwater | kg P eq | 1.96 |
Eutrophication aquatic marine | kg N eq | 3.28 |
Eutrophication aquatic terrestrial | mol N eq | 0.36 |
Photochemical ozone formation | kg NMVOC eq | 1.22 |
Depletion of abiotic raw materials, minerals and metals | kg Sb eq | 0.30 |
Depletion of abiotic raw materials, fossil fuels | MJ net cal val | 0.00033 |
Water use | m3 water, world eq deprived | 0.00506 |
Particulate matter emissions | Health problems - incidence | 549.750 |
Ionising radiation, human health | kBq U235 eq | 0.049 |
Ecotoxicity (freshwater) | CTUe | 0.00013 |
Human toxicity, cancer effects | CTUh | 1096368 |
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects | CTUh | 147588 |
Land use-related impact / Soil quality | Pt/m2*year | 0.000178 |
Viewing the ECI 2024 impact categories
Follow these instructions to learn how to view other impact categories.
Exporting ECI results
You can export all the available categories included in the ECI with the "Custom impacts tree" report type.
Requires a full Ecoinvent license to view results and generate reports with ECI.