Core environmental indicators (adapted from EF3.1)
Impact category | Abbreviation |
Climate change - total | GWP-total |
Climate change - fossil | GWP-fossil |
Climate change - biogenic | GWP-biogenic |
Climate change - land use and land use change | GWP-luluc |
Ozone depletion | ODP |
Acidification | AP |
Eutrophication aquatic freshwater (1) | EP-freshwater |
Eutrophication aquatic marine (1) | EP-marine |
Eutrophication terrestrial | EP-terrestrial |
Photochemical ozone formation | POCP |
Depletion of abiotic resources - minerals and metals (1) | ADPm |
Depletion of abiotic resources - fossil fuels (1) | ADPf |
Water use (1) | WDP |
Additional environmental impact indicators (adapted from EF3.1)
Impact category | Abbreviation |
Particulate matter emissions | PM |
Ionizing radiation, human health (2) | IRP |
Eco-toxicity (freshwater) (1) | ETP-fw |
Human toxicity, cancer effects (1) | HTP-c |
Human toxicity, non-cancer effects (1) | HTP-nc |
Land use related impacts/soil quality (1) | SQP |
Disclaimers for reporting purposes according to the EN15804 standard to core and additional environmental impact indicators. (Section
The results of this environmental impact indicator shall be used with care as the uncertainties on these results are high or as there is limited experience with the indicator.
This impact category deals mainly with the eventual impact of low dose ionizing radiation on human health of the nuclear fuel cycle. It does not consider effects due to possible nuclear accidents, occupational exposure nor due to radioactive waste disposal in underground facilities. Potential ionizing radiation from the soil, from radon and from some construction materials is also not measured by this indicator.
Indicators describing resource use and environmental information based on LCI
The following non-LCI EN15804 categories are also available:
Table 1: Indicators describing resource use
Indicator | Unit | Abr. | Implementation |
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) | MJ | PERT | Sum of all "Renewable, ..." indicators from the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) method. |
Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | MJ | PERE | Not currently implemented, because it requires information not easily extracted from LCI results. ** |
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | MJ | PERM | Not currently implemented, because it requires information not easily extracted from LCI results. ** |
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials) | MJ | PENRT | Calculated by addition of 'Non-renewable, fossil' and 'Non-renewable, nuclear' indicators from the Cumulative Energy Demand. |
Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non- renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | MJ | PENRE | Not currently implemented, because it requires information not easily extracted from LCI results. |
Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | MJ | PENRM | Not currently implemented, because it requires information not easily extracted from LCI results. |
Net use of fresh water | m3 | FW | Water use (from ReCipe2016 midpoint/H) used as proxy, with moderate assumptions |
Table 2: Environmental information describing waste categories:
Indicator | Unit | Abr. | Implementation |
Hazardous waste disposed | kg | HWD | Based on EDIP2003 waste categories (only available in ecoinvent processes) |
Non-hazardous waste disposed | kg | NHWD | Based on EDIP2003 waste categories (only available in ecoinvent processes) |
Radioactive waste disposed | kg | RWD | Based on EDIP2003 (only available in ecoinvent processes) |
Difference between EF3.1 and EN15804 in the core and additional environmental impact indicators
The EF3.1 and EN15804 methods are similar in almost everything, except that
in the EN15804, the characterization factors for
Carbon dioxide, biogenic
are +1 for emissions, -1 for resources (in EF3.1 these are both zeroed).In the EN15804,
Methane, biogenic
emissions contribute with 29.8 to Climate change, instead of 27 in EF3.1.