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EF3.1 impact categories

List of the impact categories available in Earthster required for PEF and OEF assessments

Updated over 2 months ago

The PEF (EF3.1) impact categories are available for users with a full Ecoinvent license.

Environmental Footprint methods

The European Commission proposed the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and Organisation Environmental Footprint (EF) methods as a common way of measuring environmental performance (EU Commission Recommendation 2021/2279). The PEF and OEF are the EU recommended Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based methods to quantify the environmental impacts of products (goods or services) and organisations.

EF3.1 impact categories

List of the impact categories considered in PEF/OEF you can access in Earthster with a full Ecoinvent license.

Impact category


Impact category Indicator


mol H+ equivalents

Accumulated Exceedance – AE

Climate change

kg CO2 Equivalents

Radiative forcing as global warming potential – GWP100

Climate change-Biogenic

kg CO2-Equivalents

Radiative forcing as global warming potential – GWP100

Climate change-Fossil

kg CO2 Equivalents

Radiative forcing as global warming potential – GWP100

Climate change-Land use and land use change

kg CO2-Equivalents

Radiative forcing as global warming potential – GWP100

Ecotoxicity, freshwater


Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems

Ecotoxicity, freshwater (inorganics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems

Ecotoxicity, freshwater (organics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems

EF single score


EF-particulate Matter

disease incidence

Impact on human health

Eutrophication marine

kg N equivalents

Fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment

Eutrophication, freshwater

kg P equivalents

Fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment

Eutrophication, terrestrial

mol N equivalents

Accumulated Exceedance – AE

Human toxicity, cancer


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Human toxicity, cancer (inorganics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Human toxicity, cancer (organics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Human toxicity, non-cancer


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Human toxicity, non-cancer (inorganics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Human toxicity, non-cancer (organics)


Comparative Toxic Unit for humans

Ionising radiation, human health

kBq U235 equivalents

Human exposure efficiency relative to U-235

Land use

dimensionless (pt)

Soil quality index, representing the aggregated impact of land use on: Biotic production; Erosion resistance; Mechanical filtration; Groundwater replenishment

Ozone depletion

kg CFC11 equivalents

Ozone Depletion Potential – ODP

Photochemical ozone formation - human health

kg NMVOC equivalents

Tropospheric ozone concentration increase

Resource use, fossils


Abiotic resource depletion, fossil fuels – ADP-fossil

Resource use, minerals and metals

kg Sb equivalents

Abiotic resource depletion – ADP ultimate reserves

Water use

m3-world equivalents

Weighted user deprivation potential

Viewing the EF3.1 impact categories

Follow these instructions to learn how to view other impact categories.

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