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CO2 emission factors 2024

Dutch database by

Updated over 8 months ago

Dutch CO2 emission factors 2024

The CO2 emission factors 2024 database is generated by Earthster based on the list of emission factors provided by The database is part of a Green Deal project done by the consortia of the Dutch Government, SKAO, Stimular, Connekt and Milieu Centraal.

The full list of available emission factors can be found on:

Utilising the datasets in other regions

  • The electricity and gas emission factors are specifically only usable for companies situated in The Netherlands.

  • The emission factors for transport are usable in Western EU.

  • The emission factors for F-gasses are usable all over the world.

How to use CO2 Emission Factors database:

The list of CO2 emission factors provides an overview of key figures that can be used for carbon footprinting: attributing CO2 to (business) activities. 3 numbers are given each time:

The list of CO2 emission factors provides an overview of key figures that can be used for carbon footprinting: attributing CO2 to (business) activities. 3 numbers are given each time:

  1. Well to Tank (WTT) are the emissions in the upstream chain of the activity; for example through the extraction and production of fuels.

  2. Tank to Wheel (TTW) are the direct emissions from the activity; for example, use of fuel in a vehicle.

  3. Well to Wheel (WTW) = 1 + 2; the emissions from both the preliminary chain and the direct emissions together.

Data representation in Earthster

Well to Tank (WTT) and Tank to Wheel (TTW) emissions are represented with custom processes and the total impact of the cycle is equivalent to Well to Wheel (WTW) emissions. The dataset only contains CO2 emissions to air elementary flows.
The original data is translated by Earthster with Google Translate.

Utilising the datasets in other regions

  • The electricity and gas emission factors are specifically only usable for companies situated in The Netherlands.

  • The emission factors for transport are usable in Western EU.

  • The emission factors for F-gasses are usable all over the world.

Currently available categories:

The database is not yet complete. We will add more categories soon.

  • Fuel power plants and individual heat generation

  • Fuel vehicles and ships


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